- > Consultations
OPAR provides individual consultations related to the design and redesign of new courses and curricula. We lend out publications and videos, dispatch seminar instructors, give referrals to specialists on and off campus, have our consultants assess the current status of education, and more.
Consultation Process
Course Consultations
Midterm Student Feedback (MSF)
A consultant will visit the classroom in midterm of semester and interview students to sound out their comments on the course while the instructor waits outside of classroom. After students interview, the instructor receives a report on the students’ comments from the consultant. Compared to student course evaluation, MSF leads to more effective improvements by eliciting a good balance of positive comments and comments on points to improve.
OPAR can produce video recordings of classes in any of several recording formats. When a faculty member requests, we can also have our consultants analyze the videos and provide commentary on the receptiveness of students, the classroom atmosphere.
Syllabus Check
Our consultants are on hand to assist in designing courses during the semester by putting together syllabi especially for faculty members who are taking on new courses or changing their teaching content.
Curriculum Consultation
Curriculum Assessment
OPAR compiles issues in the current curricula of departments based on information gleaned from interviews with students and teachers. The interviews are conducted confidentially, unseen by the faculty, to allow the students to freely offer their honest comments.
Curriculum Development Consultation
OPAR supports the development of new curriculum. Once the curricular needs are recognized, our consultants help faculty set objectives and goals, select teaching strategies, train teaching staff, and select evaluation methods.
Professional Development Consultation
Seminar Design
For each faculty and department, OPAR offers assistance in clarifying an image of the ideal faculty, and designing and implementing an effective seminar suitable for them.
Instructor Dispatch
OPAR dispatches instructors for seminars planned by faculty and department. Expert staff specialized in admission and cooperation with high schools, student affairs, career development, and general education are available at the Institute for Education and Student Support. Please feel free to contact us. If you can not find suitable instructors, we will provide referrals to useful human resources on and off campus to meet your needs.