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Teaching Portfolios

Teaching Portfolios Ehime University’s Mid-Term Plans for the 2nd period provides a roadmap for “creating a structure enabling appropriate evaluation of the teaching performance of faculty members through use of ‘teaching portfolios’ (teaching performance records).” OPAR supports this plan by providing assistance to write teaching portfolios.
A Teaching Portfolios is “a selective record of teaching performance documented in one’s own words through reflection on one’s teaching activities, backed by various pieces of evidence.” Teaching Portfolios are attracting notice as effective tools for visualizing teaching performance.
“Establishing a Undergraduate Program,” a Report from the Central Council for Education published in 2008, describes “a need for the introduction and modification of a multi-faceted evaluation through the use of teaching performance record files, etc., by teachers.” This brings to light the need for Teaching Portfolios.
In principle, a teacher can write his or her Teaching Portfolios alone. Yet Dr. Peter Seldin, the pioneer of Teaching Portfolios, recommends collaboration with a mentor to do.
OPAR provides experienced mentors and conducts TP workshops about twice a year on campus.
We also receive requests for mentors and inquiries about Teaching Portfolios workshops.