• > Mission Statement

Mission Statement

Our mission is to research the various challenges related to teaching and learning at Ehime University, apply the results to actual educational practices, and promote educational reform at Ehime University, under the leadership of the Institute Director.


1.The research of educational issues throughout the university
2.Faculty and staff development to ensure the quality of education
3.Course evaluations and syllabi
4.Learning support and student development
5.Shikoku Professional and Organizational Development Network in Higher Education
6.National Center for Faculty and Staff Development in Higher Education


Division of Teaching and Learning
supports teaching activities for faculty and staff and learning activities for students.
Division of Educational Research and Analysis
plans, implements, and analyzes research related to education, learning conditions, and outcomes.
Division of Student Development
develops, implements, and evaluates programs for improving leadership, peer-support skills in students.


1993 Department of General Education was reorganized and established the Center for Research and Practice in Higher Eductaion (on-campus facility).
2001 The Center became a Center for Higher Education (on-campus facility).
2002 The Center was officially recognized as a Center for Higher Education (ministerial ordinance facility).
The Division of Education System Development established within the Center takes charge of FD, one the Center’s operations.
2004 With the establishment of the Institute for Education and Student Support, the Center changes its name to the Center for Education Development in Higher Eductaion (Division of General Education and Division of Education Development). (Later, in 2006, the Center was divided into the Center for General Education and the Office for Educational Planning and Research.)
2006 A plan for “FD/SD/TAD:Triangle--based Development Practice ” (representative: Keiji Takase, Professor, Director of the Office for Educational Planning and Research, Institute for Education and Student Support) submitted by the Institute for Education and Student Support was adopted as a “Support Program for Distinctive University Education (Distinctive Good Practice).” The FD/SD/TAD: Triangle-based Development Pratice aimed to improve the quality of education by uniting faculty, administrative staff, and graduate students under the common principles and goals of Ehime University and encouraging them to work as one towards development.
2008 Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology adopted a plan for “Improving the quality through the ‘Shikoku Professional and Organizational Development Network in Higher Education’” (submitted by various institutions, including Ehime University as a representative university) as a “Support Project for Strategic University Collaborations” (representative: Hiroaki Sato, Associate Professor, OPAR). The ‘Shikoku Professional and Organizational Development Network in Higher Education' had been established in this project through collaboration among national universities and nearby public and private universities in Shikoku region to achieve collaboration and expansion of FD/SD operations within the region and to and send out from Shikoku higher-education professionals who have practical competence and will cultivate the growth of students by providing deep learning.
2010 The Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology authorizes the Center as a Joint-use Educational Center newly named the “National Center for Faculty and Staff Development in Higher Education (Representative: Naoto Kobayashi,Director of the OPAR; validity period of authorization: April 1, 2010 to March 31, 2015).” The Joint-use Education National Center Program was established for the purpose of providing governmental support for approaches implemented by universities to develop diverse and advanced teaching in university as a whole through the promotion of shared use of human and material resources available at different universities, in order to provide high-quality education while meeting the needs of students and a diverse society.