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Student Development

To realize Ehime University’s educational goal of “Sending into society of graduates with outstanding talent who possess abundant creativity, humanity, and sociability and have the self-awareness and pride to be responsible for the next generation,” OPAR approaches student development from two angles: humanity and intellect.

Developing and Strengthening Humanity

Ehime University Leaders School (ELS)

Ehime University Leaders School (ELS)

ELS aims to promote human growth, vitalize the university, and contribute to society by strengthening the leadership skills. This unique program systematically and continuously combines curricular and co-curricular education depending on students’ growth stages. OPAR developed program and teach courses, as well as individual support for students.


University Network for Global Leadership(UNGL)

University Network for Global Leadership(UNGL)

University Network for Global Leadership(UNGL)forms "Cross-Cultural communication type leadership" networks among universities and colleges in Japan and also promotes cooperation and development each other. As for the aims of this program, students get over cultural differences and develop their leadership abilities to play active roles in Japanese and the global community.


Student Reserch Project (Project E)

A foremost goal of education at Ehime University is to improve the self-expression skills of our students. OPAR support students as they delve in projects they “autonomously want to study and research” and strive to teach them “the skills to put their ideas into action” outside of the classroom.

Study and Research Projects by Ehime University Students (Project E)

Developing and Strengthening Academic Skills

Study Skills Workshop

Study-skills are “skills for studying at University.” The Study Skill Workshop helps students to learn the nine skills required at university: listening, reading, researching, organizing, summarizing, writing, expressing, communicating, and thinking.


First-year Learning (Freshmen Seminar)

OPAR provides support for first-year learning (freshmen seminar). We develop original textbooks for all students and teach many classes for students.


Teaching Assistant Development (TAD)

TAD focuses on development for the TAs who assist the teachers in undergraduate courses. The responsibilities of a TA range from preparing laboratories and distributing materials during class to facilitating group discussions. Besides basic skills required for assisting in classes, TAs must have a firm awareness of their own positions as teaching staff and the accompanying duties.
TAD offers various training opportunities to ensure the TA system that are advantageous for the teachers, students, and TAs alike. OPAR has provided TA seminars for general education and for each major, as well as TA seminars focused on teaching skills.

Teaching Assistant Development (TAD)